GarageBand Projects for Mac: Where to Find Them

Where Are Garageband Projects on Mac?

Garageband is a popular music production software developed by Apple. It is widely used by musicians, producers, and enthusiasts to create and edit music on their Mac computers. One common question that Garageband users often have is, Where are Garageband projects saved on Mac? In this article, we will explore the default location of Garageband projects on Mac and how you can access them.

Default Location of Garageband Projects on Mac

When you create a new project in Garageband, it is automatically saved in a specific folder on your Mac. The default location for Garageband projects is the Music folder in your user directory. To access your Garageband projects, follow these steps:

  1. Open a new Finder window on your Mac.
  2. Click on Music in the sidebar.
  3. Locate the Garageband folder and open it.
  4. You will find all your Garageband projects listed here.

By default, Garageband saves your projects in the GarageBand folder within the Music directory. However, it is important to note that you can choose a different location to save your projects if you prefer.

Changing the Location of Garageband Projects

If you want to change the default location where Garageband saves your projects, you can do so by following these steps:

  1. Open Garageband on your Mac.
  2. Go to the Garageband menu at the top-left corner of the screen.
  3. Select Preferences from the dropdown menu.
  4. In the Preferences window, click on the Advanced tab.
  5. Under the Save projects section, click on the Choose button.
  6. Select the folder where you want to save your Garageband projects.
  7. Click Choose to confirm the new location.

Once you have changed the location, all new Garageband projects will be saved in the selected folder. However, the existing projects will remain in their original location unless you manually move them.

Backing Up Garageband Projects

It is always a good practice to regularly back up your Garageband projects to prevent any data loss. You can manually copy the project files to an external hard drive, cloud storage, or any other backup location of your choice.

Additionally, Garageband also provides an option to create backups of your projects within the application. To create a backup, follow these steps:

  1. Open Garageband on your Mac.
  2. Go to the File menu at the top-left corner of the screen.
  3. Select Save As from the dropdown menu.
  4. Choose a location to save the backup file.
  5. Click Save to create the backup.

By creating regular backups, you can ensure that your Garageband projects are safe and can be easily restored in case of any unforeseen issues.


In conclusion, Garageband projects on Mac are saved in the default GarageBand folder within the Music directory. However, you have the flexibility to change the location where Garageband saves your projects. It is important to regularly back up your projects to prevent any data loss. By following the steps mentioned in this article, you can easily access and manage your Garageband projects on your Mac.

For more information about Garageband and its features, check out our FAQ section. You can also visit our About page to learn more about our website and the services we offer. Stay tuned to our blog for the latest updates and tutorials on Garageband and music production.

External Link: Apple Garageband

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